Thursday, January 13, 2011

81 Looks Damn Good on Him

Happy Birthday to Bill.
Part stoic cowboy. Part teddy bear.
A wise philosopher
Who never met a tractor he didn't like.
Well read. Well spoken.
Friend to yaks. And kitties.
Calls the chickens "Ladies" and his lady "Sweetie."
Grills a mean steak.
Has a kind heart.
Loves PBS,
Snow-crested mountains,
And my mother.


  1. And we love him! Can you imagine trying to marry into this family? We are some lucky girls. Happy Birthday, Bill!

  2. You've captured a man we'd all like to know. Well done.

  3. Bill looks and sounds like the kind of father we'd all love as well. A happy birthday and many more to him.

  4. All the best, Bill!

  5. Oh my...I am so Grateful to have found your blog here!! I am your third cousin and adore your momma Jan and Bill!! Your blog is simply wonderful and I am so looking forward to adventuring through it! Thrilled to be here! Much love, Rebecca Leach Willis
